
Top of the morning to you,

Everyone is Irish this weekend and City Lights certainly is getting its Irish on!

The fun starts this afternoon and the featured beer is Jimmy the Brewmaster’s Irish Red Ale. Jimmy has previously won International Gold Medals for his Coconut Porter and Mexican Lager. Wouldn’t it be ironic if his Irish Red Ale was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the World’s Best “Irish Inspired Beer”? (Ironic like rain on your wedding day or a free ride when you’ve already paid!)

Paddy was in the house last night for a pre-St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Calvin was bartending and said, “Your glass is empty, fancy another one?” Paddy was puzzled and replied, “Why now would I be needing two empty glasses?”

Ben’s famous fish fry will be served today. For meat-lovers, his Reuben is absolutely delicious. And what would a St. Patrick’s weekend be like without corned beef hash?

And while you get your Irish on, we’ll have basketball on. The Badgers take on Nebraska at 2PM today and Marquette plays Seton Hall at 8PM. Join us for some March Madness.

Saturday will be truly special at City Lights. Paddygrass https://www.paddygrass.com/  will again earn its reputation as the modern-day patron saint of St. Patrick’s Day.  The Trinity Irish Dancers will accompany Derek and his mates at 8PM. Character appearances by Sir Charm for Lucky Charms and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish Leprechaun are rumored but yet to be confirmed. 

And the baseball season starts again with Opening Day on March 28 as our hometown nine begins their World Championship run. Can you believe it is less than two weeks away? We're getting our shuttle ready and our shuttle drivers are going through their version of spring training to ensure your trip to and from the park is major league.

I am overwhelmed at the magical work the incredible people at Penfield Children’s Center http://penfieldchildren.org  do for the children and families of Milwaukee. Penfield is comprised of compassionate, committed professionals with a laser focus and passion to create positive starts in life for infants and children, many of whom have developmental delays or disabilities. Come on out and support Penfield as we will donate 75% of all taproom beer sales with our “Magical Mondays” celebration.

Look for specially marked six packs of City Lights beers in the Milwaukee Metro area. Bring the six-pack carrier with the “Free Pint” sticker to the City Lights taproom and receive a complimentary pint of your choice. Special thanks to an incredible distribution team for making promotions like this possible and for the retail and on-premise accounts for their support of City Lights.

May the road rise up to meet you.